Having a BRIGHT COMPLEXION starts on the inside. Here are some simple things you can do...

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Have the Complexion
you always dreamed of!

Your face is the first thing everyone sees and it says a lot about you.  The complexion is directly related to the health of a person.  It tells people almost everything about you in just a few seconds.  Do you have vitality, are you clear-minded, are your emotions balanced and overall are you healthy?  Your complexion says what you have been eating, if you have been sleeping well and can signal whether or not you are up to the task at hand.  Are you tired of being overlooked, not getting the job or people not listening to you?  Your complexion, believe it or not, has much to do with this, subconsciously.  It is time for you to get healthy and get the attention you deserve.  I am going to share with you the 3 Super-Foods that will have the biggest and fastest improvement on your complexion, your hair, your nails and most importantly your overall health.


1.  Fulvic Ionic Minerals

There is nothing more important for your complexion than plant-based trace minerals that contain fulvic acid.  Everything starts here; without this, nothing will work.  I don't care how expensive your face creams are, they are useless without this.  Your complexion comes from the inside out, not from the outside in.  Nutrients have to reach the cells and the only way they can is if you have plant-based trace minerals and fulvic acid inside your body daily.  This is what transports the nutrients into your cells while at the same time cleansing out the toxins that have built up inside the cells.  Without Fulvic Acid, those toxins with keep accumulating until the cells die, and this is what causes aging, a dull grey look and a pasty skin tone.  Your organs need plant-based trace minerals to function properly, they will make your hair, skin and nails look bright and shiny.  Don't be fooled by trace mineral impostors, we are the ONLY brand that sells Plant-Based, Water-Extracted trace minerals that contain fulvic and humic acid.  Most of these companies are selling toxic salt from Utah or even worse, fulvic acid extracted with chemicals from coal.  Optimally Organic has the patent on water extraction and is about the celebrate our 20th year in business!  

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2. Fermented Probiotics and Enzymes

Having a healthy gut microbiome is the second most important thing if you are looking for a good complexion.  What this means is having billions of different strains of good bacteria in the digestive system.  Your gut bacteria play an important role in your overall health, and you can not absorb nutrients in your food without them.  As humans, we were made to need them.  The body will not work correctly without them.  If you are not absorbing your food and nutrients properly, you will not have a good complexion.  You will always look tired and your hair and skin will not be bright.  Things like processed foods, medications, poor sleep, alcohol consumption, smoking, high-fat or sugar diets and inactivity, can kill your good gut bacteria.  Once it is gone, it does not come back.  It is like ripping a rose bush out by the roots; it has to be replanted.  Unfortunately, the standard American diet does not address this issue since it has no real fermented food options.  Wine has too much alcohol and is not a good source.  Then you have the probiotics at the store that have one to seven different strains.  How are seven strains going to help me if I need Billions of strains?  Not to mention, most of those probiotic supplements are "dead on arrival" because they have not been stored or shipped under refrigeration.  Raw, plain, organic, grass feed, unpasteurized, yogurt or kefir is a good choice, but again, how is one strain of bacteria going to help me that much?  That is why I absolutely love the two products above.  You get thousands, if not millions, of different ancient wild strains of bacteria from the high mountains of Korea.  Still considered one of the most pure and untouched wildlife areas in the world.  The greatest part is that since these products are fermented, they are still alive when you get them because they are naturally preserved and there is no refrigeration needed until you open them.  The taste is a treat.  It is sweet and deep and amazing.  It is like candy that is good for you and will brighten your complexion.  

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3.  Marine Phytoplankton

Considered the ultimate super-food because of its wide spectrum of nutrients like DHA, antioxidants, elemental minerals, and special fatty acids.  With this stuff, a little goes a long way!  Just a small amount, like 1g is so packed full of nutrition, that it would be hard to get elsewhere.  Not only will Marine Phytoplankton give you calm natural energy, and make you feel clear-headed, but it is also great for your complexion.  Having a good complexion is not about one thing or the other, it is about having the complete package of nutrition.  The way the body works is if just one nutrient out of over 90 different nutrients is not there, most if not all of the other nutrients don't work correctly.  It is like a chain and if one link is broken, the whole chain fails.

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